
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Auntie Audrey and Terence Ko Ko visits in 2011

Auntie Audrey and Terence Ko Ko visits in 2011This year, we had a few visits from Strategic Creative, represented by Audrey or Terence, to promote movies from Sony and Disney. We also took part in the NASOM Draw for Autism, a colouring competition organise by Staedler and Cars 2 as ...Auntie Audrey and Terence Ko Ko visits in 2011

'이렇게 깜찍한 산타 보셨나요?'

'이렇게 깜찍한 산타 보셨나요?''이렇게 깜찍한 산타 보셨나요?'25일 수원실내체육관에서 배구 V리그 KEPCO와 삼성화재의 경기가 열렸다. 크리스마스를 맞아 KEPCO 치어리더들이 산타 복장으로 응원을 펼치고 있다. ...'이렇게 깜찍한 산타 보셨나요?'

岩井半四郎さんが死去 歌舞伎、映画で活躍

岩井半四郎さんが死去 歌舞伎、映画で活躍歌舞伎の立ち役のほか、映画やテレビでも活躍した歌舞伎俳優の岩井半四郎(いわい・はんしろう、本名仁科周芳=にしな・ただよし)さんが25日午前0時46分、多臓器 ...岩井半四郎さんが死去 歌舞伎、映画で活躍

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