
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mayawati accusses the Congress of betraying Muslims

Mayawati accusses the Congress of betraying MuslimsMayawati accusses the Congress of betraying MuslimsLUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Sunday accused the Congress of betraying Muslims, saying the party had failed to check communal riots ...Mayawati accusses the Congress of betraying Muslims

Milbury claims he was breaking up fight, not assaulting young ...

Milbury claims he was breaking up fight, not assaulting young ...Milbury claims he was breaking up fight, not assaulting young ...Mike Milbury defended himself saying he broke up a fight between his son and an opponent. Milbury claimed the young boy repeatedly bullied his son. ...Milbury claims he was breaking up fight, not assaulting young ...

比南部で4百人超死亡 台風21号、160人不明

比南部で4百人超死亡 台風21号、160人不明フィリピンの東沖の太平洋上で発生した台風21号は16~17日、南部のミンダナオ島を横断、鉄砲水や土砂崩れ、洪水などが相次ぎ、436人が死亡、約160人が行方 ...比南部で4百人超死亡 台風21号、160人不明

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