
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

طلائع الحجاج تواصل رحلاتها للأراضي المقدسة

طلائع الحجاج تواصل رحلاتها للأراضي المقدسة تواصلت طلائع الحجاج المتجهين إلى الأراضي المقدسة أمس، حيث شهد مطار الكويت الدولي مغادرة الدفعة الثالثة حملات الحج. من جهة أخرى، تسير وزارة الصحة بعثتها الطبية لمرافقة الحجاج اليوم. وأكد وزير الصحة د.هلال الساير في كلمة له ألقاها نيابة عنه وكيل الوزارة ... طلائع الحجاج تواصل رحلاتها للأراضي المقدسة

[Fund Trends] sunyuchul domestic equity funds, for two days

[Fund Trends] sunyuchul domestic equity funds, for two days Asian economies gimyuri News] domestic equity funds rose sunyuchuleul the second day. International equity funds, funds came in the second day. 28 days the last 26 days, according to the Korea Financial Investment Association based exchange-traded fund (ETF), except for domestic equity funds were sunyuchul 460 billion. ...[Fund Trends] sunyuchul domestic equity funds, for two days


黑龙江发现一具疑似野生东北虎尸体 本报哈尔滨10月27日电(丁志军、周毓亮)黑龙江省密山市富源乡富生村村民刘义松27日早晨上山干农活时,在完达山山脉脚下水库边发现一具疑似野生东北虎尸体并报案。老虎体长2.5米左右,尾长约1米,体重约200公斤,死因不 ... 黑龙江发现一具疑似野生东北虎尸体


欧债危机达成协议希腊国债减半 布鲁塞尔时间27日凌晨,欧元区首脑在经过近8个小时的马拉松谈判后,终于就希腊债务减记、扩大欧洲金融稳定工具(EFSF)、银行注资以及加强金融监管等一揽子方案达成一致。 经过艰难谈判,欧元区领导人当天达成了希腊债务 ... 欧债危机达成协议希腊国债减半

"European markets> eurozone surged to a solution

"European markets> eurozone surged to a solution (Berlin = Yonhap News) bakchanguk Correspondent = European securities market, the European Union (EU) agreed at the summit, a comprehensive solution to the Eurozone financial crisis 'boom' was acclaimed. Europe, the leading index after taking off 2-3% of the eurozone geupdeunghan solution has arrived for the increasingly positive assessment of sangseungpok ..."European markets> eurozone surged to a solution

Международный суд в Гааге рассматривает варианты сдачи сына Муаммара Каддафи

Международный суд в Гааге рассматривает варианты сдачи сына Муаммара Каддафи Международный уголовный суд прорабатывает процедуру сдачи сына погибшего бывшего лидера Ливии Муаммара Каддафи - Сеифа аль-Ислама, а также экс-главы ливийской разведки Абдуллы ас-Сенусси. Им намерены выдвинуть обвинения в преступлениях против ... Международный суд в Гааге рассматривает варианты сдачи сына Муаммара Каддафи

盛大建首家“微电影工作室” 签约首位新导演

盛大建首家 腾讯科技讯 10月27日消息,盛大旗下新锐影视互动娱乐公司"华影盛视"于日前正式成立国内首家"微电影工作室"---"美我原创",并同时宣布,国内著名MV导演秦君担任该工作室首位微电影制作人。 腾讯科技讯 10月27日消息 ... 盛大建首家"微电影工作室" 签约首位新导演

LGU + SKT crying laughing ... performance staggered

LGU + SKT crying laughing ... performance staggered Fourth generation (4G) rongteomebolrusyeon (LTE) in the fierce battles in the market, SK Telecom and LG yupeulreoseuga 3 and in the fourth quarter there was much huibi. Depreciation and amortization expenses, including SK Telecom's operating profit increased 20% over the fourth quarter and close to 2, while reduced yupeulreoseuneun LG smartphone subscriber growth, ...LGU + SKT crying laughing ... performance staggered

CRISE/La dette grecque va être réduite de 100 milliards d'euros

CRISE/La dette grecque va être réduite de 100 milliards d'euros Bruxelles (awp/afp) - La dette grecque va être réduite de 100 milliards d'euros grâce à l'abandon par les banques de 50% environ de leurs créances, ce qui va la faire passer de 160% du Produit intérieur brut national à 120% à l'horizon 2020. ... CRISE/La dette grecque va être réduite de 100 milliards d'euros

Yamaguchi Union: including employment and promotion of earthquake, Yamaguchi / request to the governor

Yamaguchi Union: including employment and promotion of earthquake, Yamaguchi / request to the governor Yamaguchi Union (President Ikuo Sugimoto) on March 26 filed a written request addressed to the Governor moved to incorporate growth and policy advocacy work before next year's County budget. Five areas including the 13 mentioned the promotion of earthquake seismic response to employment and East. Visit the Ministry of Labor Executive Secretary of Commerce from the prefecture of Yamaguchi, Kazuhiro near Mount Union, Forest ...Yamaguchi Union: including employment and promotion of earthquake, Yamaguchi / request to the governor


范龙佩:要求欧盟财长把可转债纳入核心一级资本 有消息人士称,欧洲理事会(European Council)主席范龙佩(Herman Van Rompuy)将致函欧盟(European Union)各国财长,要求他们将更广范围的可转换债券纳入核心一级资本范畴。 欧盟已达成广泛共识,将于2012年6月前把银 ... 范龙佩:要求欧盟财长把可转债纳入核心一级资本

'공사판 서울'..토건에서 서민주거 안...

'공사판 서울'..토건에서 서민주거 안... [아시아경제 진희정 기자]10년간 한나라당이 집권했던 서울시에 박원순 당선자가 입성함으로써 서울시 도시 및 부동산 정책의 일대 변화가 예고된다. 박 당선자는 우선적으로 대규모 토건사업을 중단시킬 것으로 보인다. 개발을 지양하면서 그만큼의 힘을 보편적 복 ... '공사판 서울'..토건에서 서민주거 안...

Gaddafi son says, the National Council of the International Criminal Tribunal = intention to surrender

Gaddafi son says, the National Council of the International Criminal Tribunal = intention to surrender Reuters Tripoli 26] National Council tentatively ruled Libya (NTC) military commander of the 26th, the second son of Colonel Gaddafi former supreme leader, Mr. Seif Islam (39), the International Criminal Court (ICC) to surrender revealed that the offer. Demonstration in Libya over the crackdown "against humanity.Gaddafi son says, the National Council of the International Criminal Tribunal = intention to surrender

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